Thursday, March 24, 2016


Wednesday was a challenge to try to keep Debbie's blood pressure stable enough for her body to receive the IL2. We had to skip the 3pm, 11pm, and 7am doses. The title of this post reflects the status of Debbie's doses. She has had 4 out of 9 so far of the possible 14 for the week. The doctor is encouraged about her progress. They said her immune system has been boosted already and so they aren't concerned about the number of doses she receives.

Her skin is starting to react more and more to the IL2. It is a ruddy color with a rash. It is itchy and uncomfortable. She says it is a really strange feeling to have her skin really hot and feel cold at the same time.

She has been put on additional fluids - Calcium, Potassium, electrolytes... There are at least four bags hooked up to the IV at all times. They have a pill or a fluid for anything and everything...

She has begun to retain the fluids being pumped into her, so she is getting puffy. 

Her level of uncomfort is still only around a 3 (10 being the worst) She is still positive and staying strong!

The staff here is amazing! Every single person that comes into contact with Debbie is very kind and considerate. 

Thank you all for your prayers and support!!



  1. Praying continually for Warrior Woman Debbie. Love you, so very much.

  2. Thinking of you my friend. Sending you live and strength from your other family at Monticello... Smoooches baby! K

  3. Thinking of you my friend. Sending you live and strength from your other family at Monticello... Smoooches baby! K

  4. Hi Rick thank you so much for sharing our love and prayers are with you all give her hugs for us๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™❤️What hospital can we send flowers ๐Ÿ˜˜Mary&EdEleazer
